Monday, April 13, 2009

On Midtown

Thoughts on a morning stroll through midtown today:

  • I'm used to spring being winter-lite in Chicago, but isn't New York supposed to be warmer than 34 degrees in the middle of April?
  • Everyone coming out of Grand Central during rush hour looks absolutely miserable. I'd love to see those "Free Hugs!" people from Union Square try out their schtick in Grand Central. Best case scenario: Grouchy commuters become less grouchy. "Worst" case scenario: Someone gets punched in the face. There is no bad here.
  • Wearing absurdly tall heels and then walking from 40th and 5th to 60th and 3rd is not, perhaps, the best idea. Not a bad workout, though.
  • If you are a potential employer, why would you ask a potential employee to bring her resume and then make her fill out a six-page application in which you list all the information on your resume? Is this not horribly inefficient?
  • I officially crossed the line into Grammar Nazi territory when I actually erased an erroneous apostrophe from a sidewalk sign. Though in my defense, it was fairly egregious: "New Yorker's Don't Like Waiting!" I don't have a "Don't Like Waiting;" do you, bitch?
  • Since when is breakfast over at 10 a.m.? I call bullshit.

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