Sunday, July 20, 2008

Impomptu hiatus

Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. Work's been absurdly busy, I've been trying to find another job, and I've decided to finally live in my apartment, i.e. buy furniture and get my shit out of boxes. So, after spending $600 at Ikea (I know, I know) and countless hours building it, I finally feel a little more settled.

That certainly hasn't stopped my wanderlust, though. Is that something that all young people have? This urge to be somewhere, anywhere but here, even if "here" isn't really all that bad a place? I want to go to Yellowstone. Just camp out for a few days. I miss wilderness.

I finally turned 21. It hasn't quite hit me yet, though. Obviously I did the requisite (and fun!) going out, but I still look in awe at the alcohol section of the grocery store. "I could buy this," I tell myself. It's like...


(Start at 3:45 to get to that part.)

Thoughts on Emmy nominees to come. (Or, TK if you're as big a journalism tool as I am.)

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