Monday, June 30, 2008


You know, I never understood the drinking age. 21? I suppose I understand the reasoning behind it. Cut back on the number of immature kids getting trashed and driving home, reduce the percentage of DUI-related crashes. The problem is that this is not real reasoning. I turn 18 and I can drive, vote, and die for my country. But I can't buy some beer to bring to a party. I've lived in two places now where a car is more of a hindrance than an asset. No drunk driving in Chicago or New York. Just walk or take the train. But when the government decided to withhold funding from states who didn't increase their drinking age, apparently they forgot about major cities and public transportation.

I have yet to stumble across a person who doesn't drink because she's not 21. And, let's face it, this is fairly ridiculous. I just graduated from college, and I'm not allowed to drink. I've been a productive member of society for a while now, in fact, and have lived on my own (not in a dorm) for over a year. But I can't join my fellow coworkers for happy hour.

Maybe I should just carry my diploma around, all "How's THIS for an ID, motherfuckers?"

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