Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You there, up front!

I started writing this post about a week and a half ago, so it's a little dated. I just found the time to update, so bear that in mind when you read this.

The UpFronts have been going on for a little bit now, and I didn't realize until now how much of a fucking bummer it is that Northwestern gets out so late. If we got out at the same time as most regular schools, I could be there, making my mark and actually getting news firsthand, for a change.

Mais, non.

So I'm forced to scour Variety for my information. And in my scouring this morning I happened upon Fox's pilot slate. From there I stumbled across a pilot called "The Cleveland Show." I was confused until I saw the producing credits. "Seth Macfarlane?!" Really? They're really making a "Family Guy" spinoff? About Cleveland? So now the viewing public has to deal with a painfully unfunny "Family Guy" ripoff (Macfarlane ripping himself off, that is, with "American Dad"), but also an entire show centered around one slightly marginal character. If I cared more about "Family Guy," I'd be worried. However, there are bigger, stranger pilots afoot.

NBC hasn't presented its pilot slate yet, but rumor has it there's a "The Office" spinoff in the works. Last I heard, though, they hadn't chosen the character they'd spin off. Of course, this could be a brilliant, successful move. Perhaps we'll get to see Ryan (BJ Novak) in prison, trying to fend off other white-collar criminals in a bizarrely humorous, toned-down Oz.

That idea, though, would probably crash and burn. I have a lot of faith in the show's writers, but most of "The Office"'s characters are...caricatures. Will we follow Meredith (Kate Flannery) into rehab as she finally confronts her alcoholism? The office drones are at their best when dealing with Michael (Steve Carell), whether he's on- or off-screen, so it's hard to see how this would work.

Apples and such

So, with my relocation to New York City fast approaching (and I do mean fast, like, Goddamn, slow this motha down) and my senioritis crippling my productivity, I've been thinking a lot about what to do with myself once I get to the city.

New York (magazine, for the uninitiated) has a cool guide to the movies shooting in the city over the summer, which is a good start. I won't be 21 until a month and a half after I move, which limits me significantly. While I found a lot of good places to go last summer, I noticed toward the end they were cracking down on the under-21s, and I'm tired of skulking in the dark, back corners of shitty East Village bars. I'm not sure if my future roommates now about my "condition" (it really is like a disease, this "under-21"-ness).

There's also the question of who's going to be there with me. I have a few friends that will be there at one point or another during the summer, with a bunch more coming in September-ish (I hope), but other than that it's looking like slim pickins. Of course, I could somehow...make new friends there. I suppose. It's nice to have a firm base, though, in a big place like that.

The ultimate firm base would be Steve, but you can't always get what you want, as they say. This might be just what I need, on the other hand. Do whatever I want, be whoever I want, for a few months (or four). Make connections I wouldn't otherwise make with a boyfriend around to be the default hang-out dude. A few months more should be sufficient--I've already had a couple. They've been nice, and a good chance for me to take care of myself, lick my wounds and soforth. I had forgotten how much I used to rely on myself, and how nice it felt to be...stable. A bipolar bear such as myself rarely achieves any real enduring stability, granted. But without constantly worrying about him, and myself in relation to him, and others in relation to him, one giant knot has been eased out of my shoulders. I don't have to try so hard right now, and that's a great relief.

I do miss him. A lot. Dozens of times every day I wish he were there with me experiencing certain moments. I just want a hug or a kiss, or a reassuring touch. At the end of the day I just want to burrow under the covers next to him. But I know this time apart is good. And I get to go to sleep and wake up to the idea that someone out there loves me, and will continue to do so for a long, long time. That's something.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

In the beginning

I can't even imagine how many blogs have that title for their first post. Oh well.

This blog has been sitting here, empty, since October, apparently. I had completely forgotten about its creation, even to the extent of not knowing how the hell I'd come up with its name, or what it meant. Yes, I preemptively out-witted myself. According to, "supervenous" does not exist as a word. However, there is a verb form, "to supervene." Here follows the definition:

"1. to take place or occur as something additional or extraneous (sometimes fol. by on or upon).
2. to ensue."

So there you have it.

I created this thing at a tumultuous time. You know, one of those times when your life gets blown to hell and you sit there for a bit, looking at all the pieces floating down. That was a while ago, and I'm pretty sure I've gotten everything back together now, but this will probably be a good diagnostic.

So, here you'll find:
Commentary on entertainment news
Musings on the state of television
Musings on Life Itself (I promise not to wax pretentious...or at least try not to)
Tidbits and eavesdroppings

I can't promise regular updates for a few weeks, since I'm still in school. After that, game on, Internet. Game on.